Welcome to The Associates The Organization


ASO members have a desire to make changes in the City of Portsmouth for youth and families, the homeless that live among our streets and for people who have made mistakes in their lives but are seeking a second chance.
ASO members understands the hardship of those in need and believes this organization is built around our desire to assist those less fortunate. We believe we live in a city that has the potential to have the highest success rate in the battle of homelessness and crime decrease that clouds this community. We seek individuals that want change in their lives and we will strive to connect with as many individuals as possible as we commit to showing love to ALL in need. 

Our Services

Community Support

Outreach Programs

At Risk Support
Youth and Family

ASO supports families that have been impacted by crime and assist with youth that need support through connecting them to programs that are geared to help change their lives such as sports, outreach programs, intensive in-home services, mentoring programs and camps. ASO helps to fund certain programs so that children and youth have an outlet in hopes that this will create better futures. 

Re-entry Support

ASO provides support to individuals that are newly released from prisons and jails. ASO connects ex-offenders to programs in the area and provides assistance with certain needs. ASO's male members coach ex-offenders and provides one on one services to help the individual become more independent. Re-entry support assist with decreasing recidivism. 

Homeless Support

ASO enters into the community to seek individuals that are homeless and are in need of food and clothing. ASO also provides hygiene services to include portable showers and hygiene supplies. ASO conducts pop up drives to assist with hot meals and warm clothing. ASO provides cool down supplies during hot weather and warming supplies during cold weather. 

“We are not put on this earth for ourselves, but are placed here for each other. If you are there always for others, then in time of need, someone will be there for you.”

- Jeff Warner